Many people like to travel with friend, but others prefer to travel alone. In the world, there are some kinds of people who enjoy spending time by themselves and love to be alone. However, there are some groups of people who cannot be left alone and love to be accompanied. In my own experience, I am in the second group. I do not like to go anywhere by myself. There are two ways of travelling. The first difference is sharing. Travel with friends will often be chitchat trip. Everyone could share and talk about whatever they are experiencing. Also when you get lost, you will at least have someone to find the way. Differently, travelling alone might be chance to make new friends, but you still may get a little lonely and bored. The second difference is taking photo. Travelling in groups or with friends, every one can take picture together wherever you go in order to save you memories. On the other hand, travelling alone might be a little hard and annoying when taking photos of yourself. The last difference is budget. Sharing accommodation with friends is a way of saving your money. In contrast, travelling alone will cost you a lot for accommodation, food, and transportation fees. In conclusion, I love to travel with friends, and it is much more fun. Moreover, you will have fantastic trip.
Well done, I like your ideas and understanding towards group traveling. (3)