The first one is action movies. Action movies have lots of special effects. They contain lots of physical stuns and activities, possibly extended chase scenes, races, battle, martial arts, etc. The groups of people who like to watch this kind of movie are normally eighteen year old to middle ages men. This kind of movie is thrilling and is fun to watch, but most of the time is contains inappropriate contents such as rude words, drugs, and a lot rude behavior, so it is not suitable for children to watch.

The second type of movie is romantic movies. Romantic movies are often exploring the essential themes of love at first sight, obsessive love, sentimental love, forbidden love, sexual and passionate love, etc. The group of people who like to watch this kind of movie can have a big impact on people's feelings. It can either give a warm feeling of happiness or a harsh feeling of grieves.

The last one is fantasy movie. Fantasy movies often have an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary. The group of people who like to watch this kind of movie are normally children, but there are also adults depending on the particular film. This kind of movie amazes the audiences and gives them good imaginations. In conclusion, there are many types of movies that people can watch. People should choose the best kind of movie that is suitable for them.
would be mucth better if you added some links. (2)