Like any sport, horse riding takes practice and dedication. The safest way to learn the correct way to ride a horse is to work with an experienced riding instructor. Let your instructor know what your personal goas for horseback riding are. It can be anything form competitive sport to a fun, casual hobby
Horsebak riding can be both relaxing and exiting. An experiemced rider can make horsebake riding look effortless, but if you've never ridden a horse, it's a scary and challenging experience! How to ride a horse breaks down the sport of horseback riding into it's basic component.
Eventhough I never sit on horseback, I do a research for my self and for everyone want to learn how to rife on it.
First step you have to know how to ride on it, then you can go on next step.
Second step you can control it moving forward by wildly rap your feet on the side of
the horse's body. It you pull a rope on the right, horse will turn right, but it will turn left by pulling opposite. You can stop it by pulling rope on the both side as the same time.
Last but not least, you have to know how to get off horseback.
ask more information about this, cause I want to ride horses. (2) It will be better if you add a video.