Computer are exactly necessary in the present tine and will have more influence in the coming future. They are used for storing, organizing, and finding information, doing calculations and controlling machines. Even though they are utilized for those purpose, they are two different types of computer which are suitable for each different aim. These are laptops and desktops, which are different computers in many ways.
The first difference is convenience. A laptop is convenient in term of moving. You can carry it any where easily because it does not have any wires and it is light. Contrarily, desktop has a lot of wires and it is heavy. The second dissimilarity is the usage of a laptop and desktop. Most people use a laptop for work which take people hours to do because it is easier to work with a wide screen and convenient to sit in front of the screen of a desktop for many hours. The last difference is power. People who use laptops must charge them in order to use them. On the other hand, people who use the desktops need not charge them to make them function like laptops. Finally, laptops and desktops are different in many aspects, so you should select the computer which is appropriate or correct for your purposes.